
A Place I was at 20 years ago,

Explanation: I want the cure for dying alone. – I am going to talk about a quote in a song and how it relates to me.

Under such disappointing times, we distract ourselves. Showing off our petty chemical fires. They glow so wrong. So you follow your dreams, or at least the dreams you’ve settled for. But if you followed your dreams… I want the answer. I want the cure for dying alone. – I want to go to a faraway university to be a pre-medical, but if I do I lost my friends. They will not like me. But if I stay, I feel alone too.

When I was 18 years old, I suddenly become really sad and downcast, even though I have a very relaxing life and I don’t have any major events that happen to my life.

My dad was like what are you sad about? You have everything! (compare to my life, you should not be sad about your life. It does not mean I have everything.) Your life is so easy.


I felt very pessimistic and kept asking about the meaning of my life.

This is how I felt:

losing a loved one in death, or facing the reality of one’s own death

feeling unfulfilled

dissatisfaction with self

Does not feel belong with anyone

Feeling lost in the world

Experiencing great personal conflict

Grieving changes or losses when there are none

Symptom of grief, loneliness when I have friends and family. So that’s why I’m alone in my room most of the time even though I have my family.

Questioning the meaning of life

Crisis of meaning and meaninglessness

Having a meaning and purpose in life can provide hope. But after reflecting on your life, you may feel that you didn’t accomplish anything significant or make a difference. This can lead people to question their very existence.

I did something it’s not because of fame or materialism or praises or social changes. It’s more about I didn’t make much different or changes in myself. I’m still the same person but I wanted to stay the way I am.