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Freshman Year and Pretty Name

Trying to explain why but in a funny way: I’m done with pretty names. I will not search myself a pretty name anymore. I think that you should keep your birth name.

Freshman Year in High School – thinking about naming myself a name from a heartbroken song.

So I think when I’m in my freshman year in high school I should never think about naming myself a name from such a sad heartbroken song. No wonder I don’t even have a boyfriend in high school.

The song is Stars – Personal I heard from a classmate’s Tumblr.

I went to high school in the U.S. We have spirit weeks and homecoming. I’m not rich enough to go to Prom because I have to hire a car and gown and so on T_T

And I was going to have a Yearbook quote “Don’t go find me or I will kick you” (has to do with harem anime like Clannad)

There! now I really have no boyfriend T_T I will just read a bunch of Shoujo manga.

By the way I’m too busy with pre-medical major to go partying. I just study and write lab reports all day in my UC Riverside dorm room. And play pokemon Firered online with my cousins on my laptop. No wonder my roommate kept walking in and out of the dorm room.

Only cats and dogs like me 

For some reason, Only cats and dogs like me, on the other hand, humans don’t like me.

My dad thought it is funny and was like, he thinks I have this connection/lucky charms with cats and dogs.  

I think my cat Rhee is like a Lila cat. I think I might give her an umbrella and a pink bonnet and a pink dress.