All posts by Arc

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Eve

I haven’t update my journal for months already. Everything is going well. I recently got another puppy named Luffy. The weather is getting cold so please take care and don’t get a cold.

One thing that has been on my mind for a long time now is I dwell on the past so much. Like I keep wishing I wish I did this or did that the outcome of my future would have been so much better.

Therefore, my new year resolution is complete all the goals I have and change my future. I mean I have trouble keeping up with the world sometimes. Is that a bad or good thing?

Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Eve! What is your resolution?

Applying to College & Life

Recently, I was able to apply to some UC and Cal State. I used my old grades though. But hopefully I will get in to one. If not, maybe next next year!

So far my life came out kind of disappointing. I wish I learned Japanese when I was little because I feel like I’m very behind. I mean I watch anime and read books, I should go out there and learn the language! This is why life lessons is that laziness is the worst trait one can have.

I tried learning Japanese when I was 11 years old but some life progressions stopped me. My name was Natsuki/Tran.

I try learning Chinese and Japanese now but it is too lateeee ahhh T_T lol

Now I’m just at home lounging around and waiting for good news. Recently, I do have some feelings of giving up in life.

Hanging out with Friend

Yay I went out with friend today which I haven’t done so in a long time.

The outside world is much different now.

I hope I will be able to go out again. It was fun šŸ˜€

We went for Bubble tea shop and then a bakery.

I haven’t had the Horchata in a long time too. And some chocolate walnut cookie.

Overall, I had fun talking to friend!

Learning Japanese and Hometown

So I have a goal of learning Japanese in order to read the unlimited amounts of Otome games and Visual Novels and some games.

People probably think I should learn Japanese and have a better goal than that. BUT I recognized.

Speaking of which, my American high school friends have all moved away. I think I’m the only one left here in my hometown. It’s so sad and empty going out to the street. I can’t believe how much changes in just a few years. I do not know why but where I live seems very alien-like now. Everything is very strange and different now. I kinda like it, but I do miss the peaceful days before.

My Life So Far

I have been involved with many videogames characters so far, and most specifically characters from the game Tales of Phantasia and Final Fantasy VI.

I want to create new games, but I’m hoping everyone still has that energy of wanting to create games and play them or going into the game world.

So new update on my life:

I’m learning Japanese

I’m learning programming

the rest…why is life so boring?

The Sound and the Fury by Faulkner

The reason I bought the book is because I like the description ā€œThe Sound and the Fury explores intense, passionate family relationships where there is not love, only self-centrednessā€

I will write more later. I have a very deep wanting to explore the connection with my family.

East of Eden by John Steinbeck

Family, Love, and Loneliness. East of Eden is a novel about familiesā€”marriage, parenthood, succession, inheritance, and sibling rivalry make up the bulk of the book’s conflict. Underlying all of these conflicts is the repeated suggestion that there is no love without pain, rejection, and loneliness.

I wanted to buy the book because even though it looks like I get along with them and they are very caring towards me yet I do have some inner emotions that it might not be that happy or loving even though there are no signs that my family dislikes me in anyway.

I accidentally bought the Grapes of Wrath instead which has nothing to do with me.

Maplestory Wedding

I think I just had a Maplestory Wedding with a Dhaos in Europe on the machine.

Why did I not appear in year 0? I will take all the guys or achievements to year 1000 2000 hahahaha! >:D And the with the beautiful named countries HAhahahahaha!!!! >;D

I did not want to use the other picture because it said “will call u”

(Because it is creepy and stalkerish to the maplestory wedding) T_T


Right now there are many changes that are happening around the world. Recently, I’m very pleased with myself that I was able to help out in anyway instead of thinking to myself I’m kinda useless.

My friends totally agree with me.

I do not like people copying me after I did something and then say “We/I don’t need you anymore.” and act all happy together excluding me and forgetting all about me. Why are there are so many copy cats?

I mean well that’s true but my feelings are very hurt and sad. I’m very heartbroken by it. ESPECIALLY If is a freaking GUY.